
IELTS course


For the writing module of IELTS, report-writing on visuals (line graphs, pie charts, bar charts, diagrams and maps) is elaborated on. This is task 1 of writing for the academic exam candidates. Task 1 of writing for the general training exam is how to write a letter, which will be explained in detail during the course. Task 2 of writing in the IELTS exam is essay-writing for both Academic General Training candidates. The diverse styles of essays are analyzed and practiced on a sentence-by-sentence basis.


IELTS exam candidates will be provided with detailed policies for each type of question along with plentiful practice.


All three tasks for Academic and General Training IELTS candidates and policies to answer each type of question will be studied and practice in class will provide assessment.


all three tasks of the IELTS speaking module will be planned and practiced.


Obviously, to be successful in the IELTS or TOEFL exam, a good background experience in speaking and grammar is essential. The courses below may help in this respect:

Free Discussion

Cliché Speaking

CLT (Communicative Language Teaching)



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